NEW: brinks can now answer the question: how many carrot on Steve route?
new: setting enables gift certificate custom amounts. Instead of choosing from a drop down box, customers can enter in any amount they want.
NEW: for auto billing, receipt and failed payment emails will ALWAYS be sent, regardless of the status of the button on the billing page.
NEW: if you have zero orders in the system, a notice will appear above the button on step 1 of the weekly cycle to remind you. There is also a pop-up alert there as well.
fix: increased amount of numbers you can type when creating a one time transaction [#1147]
NEW: transaction descriptions updated and invoice number is passed along to correctly now.
NEW: on future demand report, you can now export email addresses
NEW: vendors- stripped styles updated img and stlying, linked to shop
new: better unsubbing logging
fix: if biweekly on sign up, but too late for an order, then bump the start week to next week. this prevents the customer from having to wait for two weeks to get their first order.
fix: if a customer changes an open order box size from account settings, existing route and stop number are copied forward [#1060]
FIX: on the admin log, the end time would reset if it was within 100 hours of the current time.
new: added a print button to the warehouse app so you can print it out on a printer.
NEW: have an item called newsletter added to the first order that a customer receives each month, so you can use a printed newsletter
new: recipes page now loads all images from CDN for optimized image experience. better thumbnails too.
new: sortby filter for customers who have cancelled in the last 21 days
new: delete button on missed signups page