NEW: On [Reports->Addons Report](GGURL/kiv/additional-items.php), there is a new report type called 'Breakdown By Product by Day'. This will show you all the products you have sold for a given week, and arrange it so you can view the report by day of the week. Learn more on the [Addons Report Documentation](
NEW: More routing options now available: [Routific Web App](, Routific Direct Integration, and GPX Waypoints for Garmin Base Camp! Update your routing settings by going to [Delivery](GGURL/kiv/print_labels.php), then click on [Settings](GGURL/kiv/print_labels.php?settings=1).
UP: Updated the text area editing tools on the admin side ([content](GGURLkiv/content.php), [email](GGURLkiv/admin_email.php), etc). You can now use the new 'table' tool to add tables to your content.
NEW: farm/vendors front side page updates for a cleaner look, AND each farm/vendor now links to their own page were customers can read the full description and see an auto-generated map of which city the farm/vendor is located in. If you are logged in as an admin, a link will show up for you so you can easily edit the farm/vendor information.