NEW: referral link tag to insert into emails
new: copy current menu to future week menu [#1254]
new: testing look up of stripe records on customer payment page
new: - if you click re-calc long/lat and the system finds the long/lat successfully, it will copy it to any open order the customer has (that isn't in a coop/pickup)n- if you click 'save address' but don't actually change the street, street2, city, state, postal, then the long/lat remains intact and isn't deletedn[#1312]
new: - instead of geo-coding addresses once a day, it now runs once every 10 minutesn- if no geo-coordinates are found for a customer address, a note is placed on the dashboardn- I found that if a Canadian postal code is in the format 'n0r1a0', google sometimes doesn't like it, so the system now sends it to google as 'n0r 1a0' (with a space) and the api returns successful more oftenn- all the above has also been changed so it's done for active orders in the system
new: option to not allow discount code to be applied on sign-up for certain boxes. Set No Discount Codes to true to enable this on a per box setting
new: build next weeks menu from the menu planner without affecting the current week