NEW: From the Products->Store page, there is a new button that allows you to update the display order for shop categories and all sub-shop categories. Look for the button that says 'set display order', and it's all drag and drop from there!
NEW: summary pie charts on Reports->Acquisition->How Did You Hear Summary
FIX: cache issue causing QR barcodes on labels that contain the customer ID number to repeat.
NEW: When chaning a stop number or route for an order on the Routing page, this information is saved back to the customer account for use on their next order. Also, all available routes for the day will show up in the change route dropdown box now, but if they have no orders, they are not displayed elsewhere.
NEW: When viewing a customer account, under the Notes section, any reminders that you have set on a customer account can now be marked completed by clicking on the empty box to the left of the reminder.
NEW: Coops now can be set to on or off. When viewing the coop list, you can also filter for active, inactive, or all. New data columns show whether the coop is a fundraising coop or a discount coop, and also how many active customers are part of the coop.
NEW: The Wholesale cost +/- report! This report will tell you what effect customer subs have on the overall value of an order. To view the report, go to the orders page and under the filters, select 'wholesale cost +/- from the 'sort & misc' dropdown box. You can also access this from the Reports sub menu.
UP: Updated Road Warrior order export format to latest requirements from Road Warrior
NEW: On the customers order history, in their account settings, they can now preview a PDF invoice and download it before any transaction records have been created for the current weeks order.
NEW: Setting that will print a QR code on each label that when scanned, returns the customer ID. This setting can be enabled on the Delivery Settings page, under QR Code
NEW: Updated the process of sending emails through the Customers page, cleaner look! A new column on the Customers page will tell you what payment type the customer has on their account, and you can now click on the table headers Customer, Pay, or Status to sort the results in ascending or descending order.
NEW: if the pack order is not set for 1 or more items, a warning message will appear on the Delivery page before downloading labels. If more than one route exists for a day, a button to download the labels for ALL routes in one PDF is now listed on the page as well.
NEW: Update the depot for each route on the Delivery Routing page. When you save a new address for the depot, it will automatically geo-code the address.
NEW: when routing, click on the bulls eye next to the customer name and address to center the map on that customer.