new: ported over the box preview on the admin side to use the new CDN for V2
fix: v2 box products page broken preview images on admin side
FIX: issue with a la carte boxes showing up on the future demand report
NEW: updated styling and formatting on v2 admin, shop category management page
NEW: Box Inventory page updates, some new tooltips, better formatting, easier to use interface for settings case quantities and estimated order numbers.
NEW: Shop styling improvements for v1
NEW: uptime public monitoring page at
NEW: v2 set delivery fees by route
FIX: gift purchase page was having issues with Stripe occasionally in special circumstances, working perfectly now.
NEW: started working on the features page:
NEW: content updates
NEW: changelog updates can now be found auto-populated in real time on See recent news and alerts on
NEW: on labels and routing page (v1) there is a link that says 'clear routing' for each day. This link will erase any stop numbers set on orders for that day, giving you a clear slate to start over with routing.
NEW: on the customer page, you can now search and find customers using a secondary email address along with the primary email address.
new: temp checker for order labels updated to run the day before easypost labels are created.
NEW: added option to force regenerate the PDF download for a gift certificate from the admin side.
fix: v1 delivery page formatting was weird on desktop
NEW: updated settings button on box products page to add or edit boxes available on v2