NEW: v2 Box Inventory page updated to support multiple distributors per product and the max sub qty value can now be set. This value prevents customers from subbing in 10 bags of carrots for 1 high value item, instead you can limit it to 2 bags of carrots, no matter what the value of the high value item is.
NEW: On the dashboard, a green button will show up at the top right of the screen when there are new changelog updates for you to read. Click the button to see the latest happenings, and you can scroll back in time as well. Check out the deployment and changelog timeline graphs while you are at it!
NEW: Graphs on the V2 dashboard showing how many customers, orders, and revenue you have going back 10 weeks.
NEW: Go to Reports->Finance->Credits Reports to see reports about all the credits that have been applied to customer accoutns
NEW: when viewing the system log for a customer, the log entry that shows when the customer first signed up is now expanded to show more detail in an easier to read format
NEW: updated support for multiple distributors per product on the menu planner inventory page. Add, remove, update distributors for products much more easily.
NEW: Just getting started and need a built-in bookkeeping system? Well we can help. Check out Reports->Finance->Bookkeping. This is in EARLY alpha developmentcd ..
NEW: display alt phone number on driver sheets.
NEW: customers can now add alternate phone numbers to their account once signed up. Also a new import for bulk updating customer phone numbers based on a CSV has been added as an import option on the customer list page.
NEW: when sending an email through the customer page, also optionally have a credit applied to each customer account with a credit note.
NEW: On the customer page, you can now filter by customers who have been stopped for over 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, or 5 years. Also, a new filter allows you to show customers by how many orders they have received in their life by setting the minimum number and the maximum number.
NEW: on the weekly cycle page, an alert is shown if the weekly email has not yet been generated on the last step of the process.
UP: The order type is now included in the CSV download available on the orders page. This will say normal, or first box, or groupon.
NEW: feature on the customer page to set all customer accounts that are stopped and unsubscribed to emails to the status DEAD.
NEW: filter by customer tag on the billing page
NEW: easily add and delete tags to customer accounts
new: mobile updates to UI for customer account home page
NEW: on v1, export customers for v1 admin customer list page.
NEW: on customer list page, you can now export just the results on the screen to a csv download
new: export a csv of all new customers on the new signups page
new: sortable columns (v2) on payments page on admin side
NEW: on products->inventory, there is a new tool to bulk set the in stock number for ALL products in your system. This is only useful if you do not use the in stock numbers to help keep track of inventory. You can set the in stock number for all products to 9999 periodically.
NEW: On the orders page (v2) there is now a button at the top right of the page with a spreadsheet icon. This will allow you to download a CSV file of the current orders that are filtered and displayed.
new: On the products page, two new settings have been added to enable or disable the farmers page and the vendors page, both show content loaded from your product list.
fix: show last menu on front when weekly cycle is in progress fixed for biweekly delivery only companies. For companies delivering each week, this already was in place.
NEW: When using Routific, total route distance is now saved and printed on the driver sheets if available
new: sort customers by payment type on customer list page
new: product type called -admin added- acts as a normal menu item but is not affected by the update menu feature and will be left alone.