fix: for recurring only items, the default lead time is set to two weeks so that customers can't add a recurring item, then the next day when orders are generated that item is added. Nope nope. [#982]
NEW: customers will now be able to undo system subs in their order and make their own subs based of the base menu. someone help me please rewrite this.
NEW: on the active product list, you can now select future weeks to look at to see what your recurring items inventory demands will be. [#951]
fix: future demand was displaying dead customers.
fix: on the quick change box type, if a customer had a box that had 'allow cust to signup' set to false, it would not be displayed in the dropdown and then it just looks like the customer has the wrong box type.
NEW: the delivery area map can now be automatically generated for the where we deliver page. This is sest on system settings->site config (v1)
NEW: from the customer order history page, they can now click a link to download a PDF invoice of their order(s) [#940]
NEW: manage tags easily on customer accounts, add, delete, or create a new one without leaving the customers account page. The section is located above the notes and reminders section when viewing a customer.
NEW: the tax rate for individual states can now be set. Before, it was just a global state tax rate (if enabled) that you could not customize for multiple states
NEW: updates for facebook and twitter sharing, now all pages with no SEO settings will have meta page title and descriptions generated for them based on the URL. Special care was taken with the shop so now your shop categories and products will show up in the title and description for those pages.
NEW: admin email notifications will now include the customers email address as a link, so you can click on it to quickly write them.
new: email confirmation feature
fix: on prod sold report, you can now click the title of the page to reset the form [#888]
NEW: on Prod Sold Report, report type: Breakdown by customer, if a product has a distributer it is now displayed next to the product name. [#891]
NEW: Brinks now knows the commands 'alert' and 'reminder' and will set reminders on the dashboard for you. He also knows 'sales' and 'total sales' and will tell you what your dollar totals are for the current week. [#896]
NEW: sitemap builder v2