UP: "What's New" page now displays code deployment chart for the last 12 months AND for all time, along with totals, avg, and median number of deployments per month.
NEW: Ability to set tax based on zip code, under Payments->Taxes [Zip Code Tax](GGURL/kiv/admin-edit.php?table=tax_zipcodes)
NEW: Check out the brand new Shop Filters- add color, type, size, or any other filter to help customers find your products in the new shop! [Read More](https://docs.kivalogic.com/article/192-shop-filter-options)
UP: For automatic billing based on delivery day, the lower billing window limit has been updated to prevent orders that are moved back in time from escaping the billing process.
NEW: Report called "[Customer Longevity](GGURL/kiv/customer-longevity.php)" under Reports->Customer that shows you how many orders customers receive based on start dates
NEW: Use emoji in your emails! You can now copy/paste emoji into the subject and body of emails that you send from Kiva Logic.
NEW: When previewing the 'gift certificate' email template, the short tags are now filled in with example data so you can get a better idea of what the email will look like.
UP: Reserved updates- admin deleting an item from an order returns the product to reserved, un-canceling an order updates the reserved, and competely deleting an order updates reserved numbers.
UP: Re-factored the gift certificate auto-cancellation setting, and now the time the account is auto-cancelled will be recorded. This gives better control to make sure the account is only processed once when it has an auto-cancel gift certificate.
NEW: UPS claim tool now supports document upload. Original invoice will automatically be uploaded when a new claim is created via the API.
NEW: for 'ice pack' feature users, on the ice pack report page, there is a new comparison report that shows the ice pack use for each state compared to the previous week for that state.
UP: Fixed Klaviyo .kxml product feeds to use correct retail price. Before, it was using the google xml feed method which doesn't work for Klaviyo because they have no 'sale price' variable.
UP: fixed the shop displaying duplicate root entries in the breadcrumb navigation, and fixed what happens if an infinite loop is created in the shop navigation by including a category in itself.
NEW: A report to see what subs are the [most popular](GGURL/kiv/reports/sub-popularity-report.php), AND another report to see what subs are the [least popular](GGURL/kiv/reports/sub-unpopularity-report.php)!
UP: Changed the URL scheme for individual products to use their number one parent shop category in the URL instead of just "/item/"- this has been unified with your automatically generated sitemaps as well! Canonical tags are set on any /item/ links to this new long slug URL.
UP: Klaviyo .kxml feeds will now add the category 'sale' to products that are on sale.
UP: Shortened the sign-up/checkout page IP blacklist time to past 24 hours, and instead of sending blacklisted IPs away to google, they'll now see a new 'error' page [see here](GGURL/error) (this will help us in helping you)
NEW: Klaviyo XML product feed will now include the categories that a product is listed in.
NEW: Built a new setting to hide and disable the 'heart' button on the Box Products page- this button has been around for years and is used to specify exact sub options. A lot of people don't use it.. If you want this disabled, contact support and we'll turn it off for you.
NEW: On the Weekly Report, we have a new setting to show columns that include/display the 'failed' payments for the week's row as well now. Contact support if you want this enabled.
UP: We're not going to use the HelpScout in-app messaging widget for new change notifications for admin users any more... we've been getting reports that it just spams admin users and is annoying. Back to our in-house method :)
UP: Hey Folks- we haven't used this changelog in FOREVER, but we are still churning out new code/features/bug fixes, same as we always have. A few experiments with other methods of notifying you about changes hasn't worked, so we're back to the old reliable 'changelog' here. New notifications will show a green button on your dashboard, so it's not intrusive.