new: settings to show or hide the retail price of add-ons on the pack label. This is set to off by default
NEW: change which email template is used for the welcome email, cancelled confirmation email, delivery tomorrow email, and delivery today email. This is controlled by route. Blog post coming SOON!
NEW: if a customer is in a large postal code, you can set auto route to off. This will create the customer in pending status, and you must manually approve or deny them. A notice will pop up on the Dashboard if you have any pending customers to approve.
NEW: v2 added new setting for the home website URL for companies using sub-domains for Kiva Logic. This link will be displayed on the front side at the top left navigation bar.
NEW: On the billing page, you can look up payment records by individual transaction ID number for the gateway.
NEW: v2 A link to the Recipe page on the front side can be enabled from the admin through the recipes or the recipes categories pages.
NEW: Coops/pickup locations now have referral links for customers to share and grow. Referral links for coops AND customers now have a new landing page that invites the customer to join and displays either the coop information or the first name and last initial of the customer that shared the referral link to help increase conversions. For more information check out our blog post:
new: Added the order size and type to be displayed on the Products Sold Report when filtering by customer.
NEW: For easy reference, on the settings page there is a new section called Reference Links. This will give you easy copy and past links and html for the login, signup, contact, and shop pages so you can add links to your newsletters, website, emails, etc.
NEW: When the weekly cycle is in progress, a new status bar will be displayed at the top of all admin pages showing what steps have been completed to help you stay on track!
NEW: v2 manual routing screen added better geo-coordinate handling and messaging for easier routing.
fix: currency symbol updates on the admin discount codes page v2